1. When cats also need to contemplate life
2. Sitting must be aristocratic
3. I don’t want to play with this toy, it’s so outdated!
4. Turn on do not disturb mode while watching Puppy Cat.
5. Where is my lunch?
6. Why hasn’t anyone cleaned the litter box yet?
7. This is how to take a nap when your boss is not in the office.
8. This is how the king wakes up on a winter morning.
9. No way! I will never diet!
10. I’ve been waiting for so long, I don’t know when the store will open.
11. New manager of the store.
12. It’s just the beginning of the month and my salary is gone!
13. New delinquent couple.
14. Meditate
15. “I was going up the stairs to visit my girlfriend and saw her cat sitting like this”.
According to 5 Fun Facts