Super funny moments of the animal world

Enjoy some lovely funny moments from the wild world through the collection below.

Lovely emotional moments of 7 faithful animals

Brightside posted emotional moments of 7 animals around the world that deeply touched viewers. Two otters are holding hands while sleeping to avoid losing each other. This type of giant river otter lives and grows in families. In …

The most adorable images of mother-child love in the animal world

All animals, whether ferocious or gentle, become gentle and caring when they have young children. Below are a series of lovely images of animal motherhood captured by Bright Side photographers. Whether it rains or shines, mother hens always cover…

Funny image of a little pig

(HNMO) – From the fat-faced chipmunk to the red-eyed frog that lives in the tree, the animal world around us has extremely funny facial expressions. Dormouses (Tamias spp) are the smallest species in the family. Squirrel and very active. They are usually …

Funny otter praying before eating

The otter clasped his hands as if praying to tell his caretaker that he was hungry. The otter closed its eyes and clasped its hands as if praying, and it was fed by animal care staff shortly after. This funny scene was recorded in the discovery park…

Discover exciting moments in the animal world

Panda lying leisurely. Sea otters clench their fists while sleeping. The little mouse fits inside a flower. The bee took a nap while engrossed in sucking nectar from flowers. The water drops on the spider look like it's wearing a hat. Mother cow plays with her baby in the grass field. Uncle …

Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2017: The Year’s Funniest Wildlife Moments

Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2017 is an annual competition, organized to find funny and unique images of wildlife as well as help raise awareness about preserving the natural world. According to the rules of the contest, all…