The funniest animal pictures of 2022

The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards (CWPA) was founded by British photographer Paul Joynson-Hicks in 2015. In addition to bringing photos that bring laughter, the organizer also wants to raise awareness. High awareness of…

Funny photos of wild animals

“I drove past a group of gray kangaroos feeding in a field full of yellow flowers. I had my camera with me so I stopped to take a few photos. I suddenly noticed a special “guy” posing like he's playing the guitar”, photographer Jason …

Impressive funny moments of animals

A squirrel is absorbed in his morning exercise. This huge rhinoceros looks so “graceful” with a brilliant tail “temporarily borrowed” from a peacock. Dance of deer in the green forest. While the friend next to me has an extremely…

Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2017: The Year’s Funniest Wildlife Moments

Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2017 is an annual competition, organized to find funny and unique images of wildlife as well as help raise awareness about preserving the natural world. According to the rules of the contest, all…