Sweet moments of adorable cats with their owners

Cats are popular pets around the world. They not only have a lovely appearance but are also extremely friendly. Brightside has posted a series of photos capturing sweet moments of cats with their owners. The cat …

Laugh at funny coincidence moments of animals

The Dalmatian dog imitates the actions of cartoon characters. The cat has the same expression as the picture. The cat shows off his skills as a Ninja. Let me see if you take a good photo! Dancing in the dark. “Are you done yet? I'm so hungry”. When you are “the…

Lovely emotional moments of 7 faithful animals

Brightside posted emotional moments of 7 animals around the world that deeply touched viewers. Two otters are holding hands while sleeping to avoid losing each other. This type of giant river otter lives and grows in families. In …

The most adorable images of mother-child love in the animal world

All animals, whether ferocious or gentle, become gentle and caring when they have young children. Below are a series of lovely images of animal motherhood captured by Bright Side photographers. Whether it rains or shines, mother hens always cover…