The funniest animal pictures of 2022

The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards (CWPA) was founded by British photographer Paul Joynson-Hicks in 2015. In addition to bringing photos that bring laughter, the organizer also wants to raise awareness. High awareness of…

Funny 37 super silly photos of animals that will make you unable to stop laughing

Baby elephant Stayed up too late last night Golden deer… bewildered? A goofy-faced sheep camel in the zoo Woke up in the morning I disguised myself, I was nowhere to be seen… lol Whatever I was sneezing and was photographed Hehehe For those who don't know: I am…

Discover exciting moments in the animal world

Panda lying leisurely. Sea otters clench their fists while sleeping. The little mouse fits inside a flower. The bee took a nap while engrossed in sucking nectar from flowers. The water drops on the spider look like it's wearing a hat. Mother cow plays with her baby in the grass field. Uncle …