The image of an otter lovingly holding a newborn baby on its belly to protect it moved millions of people

“Mother” is mother and “tu” means child. Therefore, maternal love is the concern, care and infinite love of a mother for her child. For the sake of her child's peaceful life, the mother accepts unconditional sacrifice. Your child's success and happiness…

Lovely emotional moments of 7 faithful animals

Brightside posted emotional moments of 7 animals around the world that deeply touched viewers. Two otters are holding hands while sleeping to avoid losing each other. This type of giant river otter lives and grows in families. In …

Funny otter praying before eating

The otter clasped his hands as if praying to tell his caretaker that he was hungry. The otter closed its eyes and clasped its hands as if praying, and it was fed by animal care staff shortly after. This funny scene was recorded in the discovery park…