Super funny moment when dog eats bait

Christian Vieler, a photographer from Waltrop, Dortmund, Germany, has caused a stir with his series of photos of super funny moments when dogs eat food. In Christian Vieler's photos, dogs have all kinds of expressions…

Cười té ghế với 20 khoảnh khắc hài hước của động vật hoang dã tại Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2018 - Ảnh 3.

Laugh out loud at 20 hilarious wildlife moments at the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2018

The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2018, which showcases the funniest wildlife photography of the year, has announced the results. From over 2,000 entries from around the world, only 41 are left for the top prize, and the photos …

15 khoảnh khắc hài hước nhất năm của động vật hoang dã tại Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2018 - Ảnh 2.

15 funniest wildlife moments of the year at the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2018

Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2017 is an annual competition, organized to find funny and unique images of wildlife as well as to help raise awareness about nature conservation. According to the rules of the competition, all …

Extremely funny and cute pictures of wild animals

“Just a little more…” A squirrel was trying to reach a walnut floating on the water. “Oh, who is this?” The little squirrel was curious about the snowman who suddenly appeared in his forest. “Too fast, too dangerous.” He looked in a hurry as if he had just “escaped from prison” …

‘Super cute’ moment of animals when no one is around

The seal lies rolling on the sand with a delighted expression – Photo: Dick van Duijn The photos were taken by Dutch photographer Dick van Duijn, 34 years old. He is considered a talented photographer, “charming” to capture the beauty of wild animals. Account …