Taylor Swift caught up in scandal because of her best friend

Culture – Entertainment A wave of criticism has been directed at Taylor Swift as she remains close to Blake Lively while her best friend is being boycotted. Taylor Swift and Blake Lively have been close for many years. Photo: Yahoo In recent days, a wave of boycotts against actress Blake …

Taylor Swift went to watch her boyfriend compete, wearing casual clothes but still cost more than 62,000 USD

The appearance of singer Taylor Swift at the Super Bowl attracted great attention from the media and the public. Taylor Swift was present at the top sporting event in the United States to cheer on her boyfriend – football player Travis …

Taylor Swift’s viral kiss overshadows a major sporting event

The Super Bowl is considered the biggest sporting event in America. However, the news about the game was completely overshadowed by the kiss that Taylor Swift gave her boyfriend – football player Travis Kelce – after his team won the …

How does Taylor Swift influence the US election?

The campaign was organized online on August 28. Although not formally affiliated with pop star Taylor Swift, the coalition leveraged the power of its fan community to attract attention and donations to the campaign. …

Taylor Swift’s endorsement could impact US presidential election

Taylor Swift's endorsement “could play a pivotal role” in influencing the outcome of the US election, according to political analysts. The presidential campaigns of candidates Kamala Harris and Donald Trump are entering a tense phase ahead of the election in …

Taylor Swift’s 5 Acts of Kindness to Her Fans

— — Taylor Swift is known for her generosity, not just with her friends but fans as well. Her latest act of kindness: donating $50,000 to a fan with cancer. Dedicated Swiftie 11-year-old Naomi Oakes, who was diagnosed with acute myelogenous …

Taylor Swift: The art of not provoking and being sexy

Taylor Swift: el arte de no provocar y resultar sexy – Woman \n”},sportsOptions:a},id:”dc2a76da-050b-36d2-a47b-1ea59c5873ee”,authors:[],relations:{thematicContents:[],relatedContents:[],internalTags:[],playersSummaries:[],relatedDataSheets:[],featuredHtml:a,externalRelatedContents:[]},type:ac,contentType:ac,headers:{“Surrogate-Key”:dp,xkey:dp},breadcrumb:{id:”99105adf-6c35-3aab-9916-a9f275b80f32_bc”,categoryId:V,links:[{level:R,name:T,id:V,url:ab}]}}},piano:{sectionLevels:{level1:g,level2:g,level3:g}},section:{section:{},currentPage:R,hasContentViews:k,idMissedIt:V},siteConfig:{siteConfig:{site:”wom”,siteConfigId:”109″,options:{disableRefresh:i,explicitContent:i,disableApstagLoad:i,disablePrebidLoad:i,networkCode:a},id:”1a043f39-31c3-3407-8858-a9d012765df5″,noFollowWhiteList:[“www.epe.es”,”www.sport.es”,”www.elperiodico.com”,”www.elperiodico.cat”,”www.superdeporte.es”,”www.lne.es”,”www.informacion.es”,”www.farodevigo.es”,”www.diariodemallorca.es”,”www.elcorreogallego.es”,”www.laprovincia.es”,”www.eldia.es”,”www.levante-emv.com”,”www.elperiodicomediterraneo.com”,”www.laopinioncoruna.es”,”elcorreoweb.es”,”www.elperiodicoextremadura.com”,”www.laopiniondemurcia.es”,”www.diariocordoba.com”,”www.laopiniondemalaga.es”,”www.elperiodicodearagon.com”,”www.laopiniondezamora.es”,”www.diaridegirona.cat”,”www.regio7.com”,”www.emporda.info”,”www.diariodeibiza.es”,”lacronicadebadajoz.elperiodicoextremadura.com”,”www.mallorcazeitung.es”,”www.lacronicabadajoz.com”,”www.diarioinformacion.com”,”www.regio7.cat”,”www.cuore.es”,”www.woman.es”,”www.laloterianavidad.com”,”www.premios-cine.com”,”www.compramejor.es”,”buscandorespuestas.lne.es”,”tendencias21.levante-emv.com”,”www.stilo.es”,ad,”viajar.elperiodico.com”,”formula1.lne.es”,”www.informaciontv.es”,”www.levantetv.es”,”elecciones.elperiodico.com”,dq,dr,”www.renr.es”,dr,dq,”www.pidata.es”,”www.prensaiberica.es”,”stories.woman.es”,”ver.woman.es”],contentAdMaps:a,categoryAdMaps:a,contentAdUnits:a,adScheduleVideo:do0,categoryAdUnits:a,userManagementAppId:”egK7WaM9pe”,vastUrls:{ampVastUrl:dn},piano:{apiUrl:a,apiId:a,apiToken:a,ampCustomHtml:a,ampAuthorizationUrl:”https://experience-eu.piano.io”},headers:{“Surrogate-Key”:ds,xkey:ds}}},tag:{tag:{},currentPage:R,hasContentViews:k},videoPage:{videoPage:a},ads:{adUnit:”wom/galerias/moda”,idPost:aR,isPreview:i,boardId:g,bodyClass:g,adsJs:g,positionAds:a,newAds:i}},serverRendered:k,routePath:U,config:{public:{media:dt,env:du,relativePath:Q,hash_files:dv,BASE_URL_SUB_DIRECTORY:g,router:{base:Q},build:{publicPath:Q},esi:i},app:{baseURL:Q,basePath:Q,assetsPath:dw,cdnURL:g,buildAssetsDir:dw}},_asyncData:{},_errors:{},media:dt,env:du,hash_files:dv}}(void …

Taylor Swift’s UK tour could change inflation data

According to luxury travel company Embark Beyond, Taylor Swift's European tour attracted five times more American tourists than the Paris Olympics. Many of them even went to see Taylor Swift's show in the US not only …

Taylor Swift, Pickleball Ambassador

Readers are invited to join VietNamNet Sports to start with the discovery of Pickleball to its current popularity with its interesting and unexpected values. Pickleball has been 'knocking on the door' of every home around the world, bringing a pleasant 'fever' that still has no shortage of…

Tóm dính bạn trai cầu thủ đến nghỉ dưỡng tại dinh thự 400 tỷ của Taylor Swift, còn rủ luôn vợ chồng anh ruột đi cùng- Ảnh 1.

Caught the soccer player boyfriend vacationing at Taylor Swift’s 400 billion mansion, even invited his brother and his wife to come along

Taking advantage of the time when the football season has not yet started, Travis Kelce took the opportunity to date Taylor Swift at her $17 million mansion in Rhode Island, USA. This moment was “captured” by the Daily Mail. Come join in the fun…